Polish English
Runaurufu "If you don't hava a plan - do not follow plan of others"

Changes, news and other stuff

Without unnecessary fireworks and shouts of joy I'm trying once again be current in this page development :) From latest innovations - I added automatic language selection for new visitors based on their browsers preferences :) So from now on when English-speaking person visits my website then he will see page in English... and when Polish-speaking person enters than Polish version will be displayed. Small thing but still makes me happy (and even doubles my happiness as I incorporated this functionality to my framework, so it will be easy to reuse in the future :> )

From other news - more organizational - I came back to writing down my ideas about applications development in my miraculous ticket tracker. Where this change came from? Well... I don't have access here (in apartment) to my pin board and storage area for paper notes is also limited (not mentioning paper supplies) :] - so I moved to "internets". My general impression is that it did not help at all in boosting motivation to work, but well - it definitively helps in choosing what to do during these lonely winter evenings...

2013-01-23 20:51:32
2013-08-25 07:50:07

Tags: News
Categories: News
Related products: Niish CMS

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